Records Bureau
Detective Bureau
The Ho-Ho-Kus Police Department’s Detective Bureau consists of two detectives, Detective Sergeant and a Detective. The main objectives are to conduct follow up investigations of a crime initially investigated by the Patrol Division.
Follow ups may include general offenses such as thefts, fraud, and burglaries. Crimes of the most serious nature are often investigated in conjunction with the Bergen County Prosecutor’s Office and/or with other agencies.
Investigation are done through, but not limited to evidence collection, fingerprinting, video surveillance, undercover operations, DNA collections, search warrants, interviews and much more. Detectives conduct background investigations for police applicants, Borough employees, interns, solicitors, etc.
All firearms identification cards and purchase permits are managed by the Detective Bureau.
Records Bureau
The Ho-Ho-Kus Police Department Records Bureau is responsible for maintaining and updating department records and files.
The bureau also receives, reviews, and files every report submitted by department personnel subsequent to a criminal investigation, medical emergency, reportable motor vehicle crash reports, damages due to fire or other disasters, and all such events as required by the State of New Jersey.
Our Records Bureau is available to serve you five days a week:
- Monday – Friday 8:30AM – 4:30PM
- Closed on Holidays
Contact Information
Ho-Ho-Kus Police Department
Attn: Records Bureau
The Records Bureau is not for reporting any kind of reports; only to obtain reports that have been generated by the police department.