Firearms Application
Ho-Ho-Kus PD Firearms Directive
There has been substantial change to Firearms law in the State of NJ recently. Below you will find information for Firearms Purchaser Identification Cards (“FPIC”), Permits to Purchase, and Permits to Carry Firearms. Please be patient since some of the mechanisms in the process have not been fully completed at this time. We will continue to process applications in the hope of having them ready when the remaining processes have been completed. Below are the new required items and information pertaining to the same.
Effective July 5, 2022, N.J.S.A. 2C:58-3 was amended to require applicants who apply for FPICs or permits to purchase handguns to provide proof of firearms training. This training requirement applies to pending applications and permits.
- Applicants are to demonstrate that within four (4) years prior to the date of application; they have satisfactorily completed a course of instruction approved by the Superintendent of State Police in the lawful and safe handling and storage of firearms. This training has not been determined at this time.
- Although applicants seeking FPICs or permits to purchase handguns are now required to demonstrate this compliance prior to obtaining their first FPIC or permit, compliance is not required for any subsequent permit to purchase by an applicant.

- Applicants for FPICs are not required to demonstrate compliance in order to replace or renew an existing FPIC.
- These training requirements are not applicable to an active or retired law enforcement officer or a veteran who was honorably discharged as a member of the United States Aimed Forces or National Guard and who received substantially equivalent training.
- All FPICs issued after July 5, 2022 are to display a color photograph and thumbprint of the cardholder. The Superintendent of State Police is required to establish guidelines to effectuate the issuance of these new FPICs, which now have to be renewed every ten (10) years. The Superintendent has not yet done so; therefore, any pending applications cannot be approved until he issues his guidelines.
Firearms Purchaser Identification Cards ("FPIC") and Permit to Purchase Applicants
All FPICs and Permits to Purchase must be done through the FARS Application Procedures as described below.
Step 1: Visit this website:
Step 2: Complete the online application. You may complete the application using a smart phone, mobile device, laptop, or desktop computer. When completing the application you will need the email addresses of two (2) reputable references. Your references can be family members. The Ho-Ho-Kus Police Department ORI # is NJ0022800. You WILL NOT be able to complete the FARS online application without the proper ORI #.
If you have been arrested or charged with a criminal offense in the past that has not been expunged, you will need to provide a certified disposition letter from each respective court covering the incident(s).
Step 3: Remit payment for your FPIC card and or permit(s). Your application cannot be processed until you have paid. The payment is Non-refundable and is required to be made prior to the completion of the background per N.J.A.C. 13:54-1.4. At this time cash, check, or money orders are the only acceptable methods of payment. These should be made out to “Borough of Ho-Ho-Kus” and a money order must include the applicant’s name. The current state fees are $5 for an initial FID card and $2 for each permit. Payment can be dropped off at the Ho-Ho-Kus Police Department anytime. Cash payments must be exact and change cannot be given at the Police Department.
- You will be receiving automated email updates throughout this new process.
- Once your application is complete, your FPIC and or permits will be sent to you electronically. This may change as the FPICs have changed.
- Please notify your references that the FARS system will email them the reference questions to be answered. Your references can complete the questions using a smart phone, mobile device, laptop, or desktop computer. Please ask them to complete the questions immediately to expedite your background investigation.
- The online application is applicant driven. Please ensure that you have entered the most updated and accurate phone numbers and email addresses for yourself and your references.
Any questions, issues, or complaints should be addressed via email to [email protected].
Instructions for Permit to Carry Applicants
Firearms fees have increased. Fees are now.
- $25 per permit.
- $50 Initial firearm identification card.
- $150 Carry permit
- $50 money order brought to the Records Department made out to the State of New Jersey.
*Total $200 in two separate transactions.
These fees are set by NJ Statute and not by the Borough of Ho-Ho-Kus nor the Ho-Ho-Kus Police Department.
- All references must know the applicant for a minimum of three (3) years prior to the date of the application.
- All original copies must be notarized.
- Submit four (4) color passport size photographs with your application package.
- Complete the Consent for Mental Health Search, form SP-66 (Rev. 01/15).
- Written proof of qualification, training, and ownership with the handgun(s) you intend on carrying if your application is approved. This must be recent at the time of the application and must also be obtained from a certified firearms instructor. (see training requirements below).
- All armored car guard applications shall be submitted to the appropriate New Jersey State Police Barracks. All others (Non-Armored car guards) shall be submitted to the law enforcement agency where the applicant resides.
- All out of state applicants must submit to the closest New Jersey State Police Barracks (not to include New Jersey State Police Barracks located on toll roads) to where they are geographically located.
Training Requirements for Carry Permits
Applicants for permits to carry handguns must demonstrate thorough familiarity with the safe handling and use of handguns or be denied the ability to carry. Thorough familiarity with the safe handling and use of handguns must be evidenced by either:
- Completion of a firearms training course substantially equivalent to the firearms training approved by the Police Training Commission as described by N.J.S.A. 2C:39- 6j;
- Submission of an applicant's most recent handgun qualification scores utilizing the handgun(s) he or she intends to carry as evidenced by test firings administered by a certified firearms instructor of a police academy, a certified firearms instructor of the National Rifle Association, or any other recognized certified firearms instructor. This information shall be accompanied and validated by certifications of the appropriate instructor(s);
- Passage of any test in this State's laws governing the use of force administered by a certified instructor of a police academy, a certified instructor of the National Rifle Association, or any other recognized certified firearms instructor; or
- Completion of a course or test in the safe handling of a handgun administered by a certified firearms instructor of a police academy, a certified firearms instructor of the National Rifle Association, or any other recognized certified firearms instructor.
- The online application is applicant driven. Please ensure that you have entered the best phone numbers for yourself and references as well the best email addresses for you and your references.
These alternative requirements must be accompanied and validated by certifications of the appropriate instructor(s). Applicants must also provide any other available and accurate information which may evidence proficiency in the safe handling and use of firearms, including: most recent handgun qualification scores and whether applicants used the handgun(s) intended to be qualified in the qualification, and proof of ownership of the handgun(s); courses attended in the safe handling and use of firearms; and extent of knowledge, however gained, of this State’s laws pertaining to the use of force in the defense of person and property.
*If you are in need of further assistance email the police department for guidance.
All the respective forms are located on the NJSP Website: